Sunday, August 31, 2008

Revelation of the day

I just realized that I get extremely annoyed when my surroundings start sounding like a zoo, especially when I'm already pissed/moody to begin with.

If you can't get a bit of peace and quiet in your own room, where the hell are you supposed to find it??

...The apartments really need an upgrade with regards to soundproofing their walls...and doors.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

RIPPER weekend!! :P

What's it all about?
In about just one line: I got to play with dummies (heh)

Okay, so that wasn't the entire story. I DID get to play with dummies though, since it was part of the was quite funny hearing the mannequin go "Leave me alone" and "F***k you" throughout the simulation. And it was quite funny seeing how everyone made the mannequin "vomit". Good fun, especially since our mannequin/patient didn't die on us (unlike other teams :P)

Had an awesome time; many thanks, Helen, Jess, Sean, Judy, Nigel, and all the other peeps who made it happen; you guys are the best :D

My personalized Webster Pack!! :P (although it's really only candies inside XD)

The 45 degrees trick isn't working too well.... "-__-

Posing with my huge 'Surf & Turf' :P

LOL we're such posers, aren't we? :P (I insisted that we all had one "serious" look rofl)

Argh I've still got pics to upload but the server just died on me...Oh well, let's leave it for now

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Doomed :(

...I can't believe I coincidentally "forgot" that oxybutynin was an anticholinergic.

...I can't believe I coincidentally "forgot" that Resonium A was an ion exchange resin.

...I can't believe I even "forgot" what carotid bruits were.

I can't believe how I "forgot" so many things during the oral exam, and miraculously recovered my brains right after.

I can't believe how harebrained I was for that half an hour.

I could see the examiners' faces go from ^___^ --> :((


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stressed :(

Today's phone interview was a little.........shaky :S
Half the time I was croaking/ saying "uhm...." due to nervousness. I can only imagine how I must've sounded to the fellow interviewers :(

Oral exam in just a little over a day! Let them be lenient *fingers crossed*

RIPPER weekend this friday

HMR case study and presentation coming up Tuesday next week :(

Thesis due next month!

...I really shouldn't be blogging. I really should be hitting the books :(

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pharmacy Ball '08

Needless to say, it was an awesome night :D...My only regret is the fact that I didn't attend last year's, or the year before last's ;__;

And geez, you'd think they'd tell us beforehand that the free drinks were only up till 11 pm :S HY and myself were both complaining about how we should've had at least another glass to drink if we knew earlier...Money's worth, peeps! It's all about the money's worth (due to our inherent Malaysian kiasu-ness), esp since I paid AUD90 (there wasn't even dessert T__T)

Everyone was happy (the Cheryl kind of "I-am-oh-so-happy" when she's drunk, btw :P), including the dude who was dancing without his pants rofl...I wonder what Gail'll do with those photos she took of him :P

And yes, I've practically chosen the most mismached dress to wear, esp since the theme was no other than "Winter Wonderland".....or something like that.

On a side note: what a relief; at least I know that Anita and Erin are going to the RIPPER event next weekend *whew*

...Arghhh!! It's back to school tomorrow!!

From left: Me, Hooi Yin, Libby :P

From left: Hooi Yin, Me, Sophia

From left: Hooi Yin, Me, Anita

Classmates...mostly :P

Pic with Oummy and her original silk thai dress :D

4th years...woot! :P

From left: Gail, Me, Hooi Yin, Erin

The overdone beef I (still better than the chicken, tho :P)

Lacy Lacy Gloves ^_^

From left: Me, Hooi Yin, Janice

From left: Jeni, Xin Hui, Hooi Yin, Janice, Me

From left: Jaclyn, Jeni, Xin Hui, Hooi Yin, Janice, Me, Yik, Wee Chea

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

RM11 mooncakes :P it just me, or are mooncakes getting ridiculously expensive? :S RM11 for ONE freaking mooncake? Darn...if I'd known, I wouldn't have requested for so many "-___- eheheh anyway, since they're here I'll make sure that I'll savour them to the last crumb

Hehehehe thanks for the mooncakes ^_________^

ps: Darn it, I feel like getting either Mr Gloomy Bear...or Tori-san to add to my soft toy collection :D

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Singapore Night '08

Lol ok so I realize I'm not exactly Singaporean, but oh hey, what the heck :P

Group photo :P

...Such a cute pose, isn't it? ^__^ Golden couple :P

Thanks to YR's guidance, my camwhoring skills have greatly improved!! XD

Poser Ms Hoe :P

Posers muahaha :P ...although the original intent was to show off the blings on my finger...darn :(

Table 5's posterrrrrr!! Note the Bak Kut Teh hahah (and it was Larry who wrote the 'Go Korea' among all the Malaysianish stuff, not me)...According to Harry, our poster was much better than the winners' :P (I bet we didn't win 'cause we didn't incorporate enough Singaporean-y items...and probably because the Singapore flag - the only Singaporean item, mind you- was drawn behind a pig) lol

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Live clay molding...far out, except the final product wasn't exactly what I'd hoped for... :(

.......Good God. I'm going to go hang myself now T___T

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Cheryl & Eric & Alice's Joint BDay... + the AUD60 cake :P

The 60 dollar cake! (and it weighs a ton, not to mention) Hooray for Ally who picked up the cake and walked back all the way to her apartment with it...and not to mention, to the restaurant :S

VIP # 1: Alice :P

VIP # 2: Cheryl Hoe Hoe Hoe :P

There's just something spooky about this's the candles; i'll bet it's the candles

My share of the cake :) Can you believe it? The cakeage was actually more expensive than the cake itself! (3.50 vs 2.40 per person T___T)

Alice with her sizzling gril :P - without bib..........

...and with :P

Jaclyn, Ally and myself :P

The girls :D

And again :) By now, we're all masters of the "45 Degrees makes you look thinner" principle lol All thanks to "Cheryl's Guidebook to Happiness" authored by Ally, Debbs and myself :P

Fireworks...can't believe we forgot about the fairy candles we bought especially :(

Horsie and myself aiming at perfecting the 45 degrees principle :P

My lil Salmon dish :P (Geh I just realized that I forgot to take a pic of the fish salad I had as well!)

We somehow look like targets for snipers...Must be due to the flash from behind....

Lebbie (Masterfoods) Chua + Shiny Shiny Disco Top Ms Hoe :P)

...and just the decor :P

Oh, which reminds me...I've got to put of some pics of my taped foot lol...I just got it measured today. Good news is, it seems that both legs are about the same length. Bad news? Apparently there's something wrong with the way my foot rolls (lol, literally). And hell, the bandaging is really annoying; not only is it freaking difficult to move around with my leg strapped, it also stinks like a fish truck overturned ~__~