Just Another Friday Night in Sydney
I think I'll start making my Friday Nights into Movie Nights or something. Hopefully, the next time, with a better show (and better neighbour). I had the unfortunate luck of randomly picking "Animal Kingdom", something I'd decided on a whim, 15 minutes before the show began, only to realize that it was an Australian film - less than 5 mins into the show, the accent and lousy plot were dead giveaways. As if that wasn't unbearable enough, the guy who sat 2 seats away had personal hygiene issues and wouldn't stop mumbling to himself. And then he tried to strike up a conversation, which quite obviously didn't last. Then he offered his hand for me to shake (after which I felt like disinfecting with some alcohol rub).
On the bright side, there seemed to be some event going on at the cinemas tonight. There was a group of ladies dancing near the ticket booth (some promotion, maybe? I did catch a glimpse of a promo poster that mentioned something about a film festival). It wasn't too bad - if you watched them individually, that is. As a group, however, it kinda sucked. No sign of synchronicity there, that's for sure - it was pretty much a mess of choreography, really. And then there was the thing that made my day/night! Cosplayers in bright blue and red (which looked like some sci-fi cross between aliens and actors from Star Trek) dancing energetically on a mini platform - and looking like they were having a hell of a time, too! LOL.
After I'd walked out from Animal Kingdom (about 30 mins into the movie), I encountered the Dancing Cosplayers again - this time, outside the cinema near the escalator. By then, they'd managed to get another fellow staff member to join in their dance routine. You wouldn't believe how cute it was :333 (If I had maybe another glass or two of plum wine I might've been tempted to join in :333)
On the way back to Central I encountered a group of teens in costumes, one of which was carrying a radio and blasting random tunes. On an average Friday Night I encounter about at least a group of Costumed Teens, something I'd known in the back of my mind but didn't bother gathering statistics on, at least until tonight.
What else? Oh yes, the rats. So far, on 2 Friday Nights I've spotted tiny rats scurrying along the train's rail tracks. The things I do when I'm bored.
My typical Friday Night.
On the bright side, there seemed to be some event going on at the cinemas tonight. There was a group of ladies dancing near the ticket booth (some promotion, maybe? I did catch a glimpse of a promo poster that mentioned something about a film festival). It wasn't too bad - if you watched them individually, that is. As a group, however, it kinda sucked. No sign of synchronicity there, that's for sure - it was pretty much a mess of choreography, really. And then there was the thing that made my day/night! Cosplayers in bright blue and red (which looked like some sci-fi cross between aliens and actors from Star Trek) dancing energetically on a mini platform - and looking like they were having a hell of a time, too! LOL.
After I'd walked out from Animal Kingdom (about 30 mins into the movie), I encountered the Dancing Cosplayers again - this time, outside the cinema near the escalator. By then, they'd managed to get another fellow staff member to join in their dance routine. You wouldn't believe how cute it was :333 (If I had maybe another glass or two of plum wine I might've been tempted to join in :333)
On the way back to Central I encountered a group of teens in costumes, one of which was carrying a radio and blasting random tunes. On an average Friday Night I encounter about at least a group of Costumed Teens, something I'd known in the back of my mind but didn't bother gathering statistics on, at least until tonight.
What else? Oh yes, the rats. So far, on 2 Friday Nights I've spotted tiny rats scurrying along the train's rail tracks. The things I do when I'm bored.
My typical Friday Night.
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