2.10 am, Malaysian time
Will be heading off to Tassie tonight...ok i know i was supposed to call some ppl before that, but being the lazy bum i am i procrastinated for (would you believe it...) over 3 months.......so sorry '-_- *eeeps*...
Anyway, I was supposed to post this up a couple of days back, but unfortunately there was something wrong with my comp...
Series of unfortunate events…Rant of the end of ’05 + ’06 (the beginning, at least)
While there are indisputably both ups and downs in life, sometimes Mother Nature decides to tip that balance, causing an ugly domino effect…
The Good,
1. …Okay, I’m glad that the plane I was on didn’t crash, and that I arrived on Malaysian soil in one piece…
2. Got to see parents, relatives and friends
3. Escaped the cafeteria food in Hobart…nothing beats the food back home, seriously
4. Bought an external hard disc, meaning I officially have loads of space for anime downloads
The Bad,
1. Spilled a mugful of boiling water onto my lap a couple of days before my 1st exam paper. Thanks to that, I now have a permanent scar that’s at least the size of a fist
2. Some insect decided to defecate on one of my paintings
3. Now that I have my external hard disc, there goes half of my study time X_X
4. In addition to Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday’s lab sessions, I officially have 6 notoriously long hours of lab on Friday, back-to-back (And I thought 3 hours was long T_T)
5. My favorite restaurant abruptly changed part of my menu, which includes basically all of my favorite dishes (…and just when I thought I could finally taste ‘em again after the long wait…)
6. Somehow my calculator and glasses managed to elude me…even up till now
7. Bought a stack of vcds and some dvds of anime since I couldn’t download them here…without realizing that another friend had already downloaded them for free
8. Tried to laminate my paintings to protect them…unfortunately that didn’t work out well…It ended up looking somewhat like vacuum-packed meat in cheap plastic…Not exactly aesthetically pleasing
9. Neighbors decided to do some house renovation; the whole neighborhood has been suffering from constant noise pollution; all the drilling and hammering has been driving me up the wall for the past few weeks
10. Went to Doc Frankenstein’s twin and got my other wisdom tooth extracted…2 down, 2 more to go…by the time I graduate, I’ll be wisdom toothless
…And The Ugly
1. Downloaded anime using my dad’s office computer, inevitably causing it to crash…somehow…this was the worst…a rather costly accident, to put it mildly, considering he had to engage about 4 more part-time staff, had to search and buy new softwares, servers, webspace, and etc
2. Dropped my iPod…it’s gone for good (and yes, my sis will undoubtedly wring my neck since she was the one who gave it to me as a gift)
3. Got conned into purchasing a RM500 piece of rock (okay, this one’s a long story; won’t bother explaining this…)
So you see, aside from that, everything’s cool. These few months have been a bed of roses…one full of thorns stabbing into my ass, that is.
-----------------------------------End of rant-----------------------------------
…What, are you still reading this? O_O
Okay, that was just a list of things I needed to get off my chest. If you’re still reading up to this point, I’m impressed at your durability *salutes*.
Don’t mind the whining above, it’s a great way to alleviate stress.