I had to take this for Ally's sake :P Vodka Disco!

The poor guards were out in the freezing cold...still remember how one of the tourists actually went up to the guard and asked if he could borrow the spear, while the guard just shook his head LOL....

This must've been the highlight of the horseback combat show...The cameo soldier who died a miserable death in the middle of the battlefield, as worried audiences wondered if he was ever gonna survive if, for some unfortunate reason, he got trampled over by horses...My dad even said, "If a horse gets him 'there', there goes his manhood." XD
...And how did he get off the battlefield in the end? Four soldiers had to carry him off...One for each limb. Dead men don't talk...or move, in this case.

Mom and Dad

Pic of my mom and I at China's "Hollywood"

Err...where was this place again? Wuxi? God knows...anyway, the place had the tallest bronze Buddha statue in the world (?), and the hand shown in the pic is sorta like an exact copy of the hand of the statue...People apparently rub it for good luck, or so they say...The first thing I told my dad was like, "He looks like he's saying, 'yo yo' with that pose...or 'gimme five' or something "-___-

So much for being conservative

Cookies for people who have an answer as to what these two are doing... "-___-

The Custard Dragon ^__^ (unfortunately, though, the only plus point it has would be its creativity...)

Green Tea bun from Beard Papa's

Jade pillows...how do those people sleep with such a thing, anyway?

The awesome sculpture is actually the 1st compass LOL....who would've "thunk"?

The "Long Live The King" scenery as seen in practically all chinese movies

Buddha's feet were apparently 1.2m long and 0.6m wide or something when he reached enlightenment and left his 'footprints', which leads to the question.... "How on earth does the guy find shoes to fit his size??"

This one was a pretty awesome sculpted wall which depicted the scene when Buddha achieved enlightenment...which reminds me of the conversation I had with my dad:
Me: Hey, that's pretty awesome. Those little things around him are kinda cute.
Dad: ...Those were the demons that tried to kill him. See the spears?
Me: ....Oh. So they weren't angels or anything, huh?

You're wondering why I even bothered posting this pic up, right? Well, it's duck, alright...but it's COLD...and SALTY...and is apparently a popular 'appetizer' there. Wait, wait....that's not the most surprising thing yet. The surprise is.....it actually tastes pretty good 0___0

You know you're in China when you see a wall with lights in the shape of a dragon smack in the middle of the city.

The famous "Hak Yi Kai" (Beggar's chicken)

...Somebody please tell me the motive behind this signboard...I know it's a restaurant selling beef and all, but still...

Ancient people were really extravagant...Imagine, creating a Jade armour via golden threads...

Silk cocoons that vaguely resembled "Lok Lok" LOL

...And the remnants after the process

I call this the "Chat Hai" stone...'cause apparently everything that was written was just meant as "praise"

The bridge across Yang Tze River

Starbucks...in a temple...LOL (There was a coffee bean somewhere there, too)

Yesssss! I finally got to try those"Wong Fei Hung" candies...just like in those movies ^_____^ I opted for the 'original' one, since they had different fruits, including kiwis and strawberries hehe

Mom (isn't she cute? XD)


Me: Only chinese would've thought of this...I mean, putting a whole in the wall to admire the scenery outside as though it was a real picture.
2 "windows" placed in the walls that lined the corridor, with each window facing different sceneries for different seasons - one for winter and one for summer- life couldn't get any better than that.
...Romantic, isn't it? :P