Friday, December 21, 2007

Umai...ja nai

It's called Umai-ya, folks. That's the name of the place I rated 4/10 after we had tonight's dinner. Then again, given the 20-minute wait I had to endure just to get a bowl of rice, and the other 20-minute wait we had to endure just to get the bill, I should've rated it as just 2/10, hence the little pun on the title: Umai ja nai.

For those who aren't fervent pro-japs, or those who don't watch enough anime to get the pun:

Umai = delicious
Ja nai = not

Well...I'm not exactly a pro when it comes to the language, and 'umai' could have a different meaning, but hey, after seeing that title, there was no way I could've let it pass :P

It's not as if Umai-ya didn't have any redeeming points, least my sis's so-called "must-have" dish (heck, that's the only thing she calls it, so I don't even know the name of the actual thing), which is sorta like a combo between softshell crab, fish roe, tamago, etc etc, as well as their salmon-something were somewhat acceptable...although I'm not too sure if all that was worth RM300...Geez you'd think that such an amount would be capable of feeding more than just 3 mouths...and that there would be other nicer Jap places to check out "-_-

ps: If you're reading this, be warned: DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT purchase their prepaid card. This serves as a warning message to all those big-time Jap food lovers out there...and yes, you, the no. 1 sushi glutton in the household, too.


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