Monday, November 26, 2007

Reasons you should drink coffee in the morning...

Being a coffee-hater, I felt a little inclined to make this post.
Yes, dear sirs, before you start a brand new day, WAKE UP. SMELL THE COFFEE. ALOHA. OHAIYO. WHATEVER.

Don't go around mistakening other people for mannequins!

Geez, what has this world come to?

Seriously, in the past 20 years and 10 months and 26 days of my life, I've encountered quite a few bizzare things...yet the idea of being mistook for a mannequin never crossed my mind- well, until today...err, yesterday, that is.

It was in Jacqui-E, you see. Just your typical window shopping and browsing sorta day, you see....or so I thought.
Anyway, I happened to be browsing near the display glass, where this cleaner dude was doing his morning rounds (I suppose?). In some sorta bizzare, drastic misunderstanding on his behalf that I was some sorta display mannequin (either that dude didn't have his daily morning dose of caffeine, or he had some serious ophthalmic problems), he tried to 'push' me aside to do some cleaning. I was like, WTH??
Much to my -and his- surprise, the 'mannequin' was a living, breathing creature. Needless to say, it was a bit of a surprise to both parties. He ended up saying, "I don't know which of us was more surprised- you or me."

...Dude, do I look like some sorta dummy to you?


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