Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bored.....bored....super bored....
And needless to say, I'm smack in the most 'happening' *snicker* place on planet Earth right now. Urgh.
What are the options?
1. Sleep - can't do that; I just woke up from 12 hours of sleep
2. Anime - hell, what are those people in Japan thinking, releasing episodes on a WEEKLY basis, instead of like, every other day?
3. Paint - no can do. There's like, nadda mood.
4. Reply my long-overdue letter to my host parents in Japan - Are you kidding? I can't read, let alone reply the letter.
5. Hang out - ...where? In woolies? Or in the arcade-looking sad-case-of-a-so-called-casino we have here?
6. watch a movie - ...what movie? and no, don't tell me Grey's anatomy or House or anything medically-related. People watch movies to ESCAPE reality.
7. Read a book
8. Manga - like I said, they're releasing stuff too slowly in Japan.
9. Blogging - ...what do you think I'm doing now?

At least I'll be able to vent some of the PTED (post-traumatic-EXAM-disorder) with some retail therapy...
And in all seriousness, I predict mass suicide when Demon Marker L *brrrr even his very name strikes fear in every pharmacy student's heart* finally releases the exam results.

Ahhh....something just hit me. It's about time that I vacuum my room, in fear that Yeong Ru will bolt at the sight of the amount of dust that has been steadily accumulating on my furniture (seriously, the last time Ivy came into my room, the first thing she asked was, "How many years has it been since you last vacuumed your room?").
And yeah, with the amount of hair I shed each day, you'd think I was a Chemo patient.

Oh, have I ever mentioned this? The encounter with...Zipper Boy!
Alas, one fateful day, when I was about to do my laundry...the fateful encounter! Just when I thought it was going to be the average laundry day, some dude comes up to me and asks me if I can fix zippers. And then he talks to me as if we've been the best of buddies for 15 years of something.
Nanda sore wa??

Hey, I'll admit that I can be *a little* unsociable at times, but asking a stranger to fix your zipper, and then mumbling to yourself "I'm so screwed"...Not your usual Saturday morning encounter.

On a very random note, it would seem as though the latest "in" thing would be old high school photos. I have absolutely no objection whatsoever; the only thing that bugs me is the fact that the good ol' traditional camera days are gone, replaced by those digital monstrosities that capture every geeky, retarded moments of yourself without enabling you to destroy every last bit of evidence, unlike back in the old days in which we had negatives that we could easily "accidentally" ruin. Hmph. It's not all too bad, I guess. Except for the fact that over half the people I encountered thought I had eczema. Or the fact that my highschool life wasn't a very blissful one. Or the fact that I wanted to punch something almost every other day. Besides that, life was all good.

Oh well. If I didn't belive in Karma, about a gazillion corpses would've piled up by now.


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