Saturday, December 02, 2006

Results are last

I get the uneasy feeling that a certain someone is going to wring my neck if I don't blog soon, so there you have it.

Been worrying for about 1 whole month (exactly, since the prac exam was on the 1st of november) about how I went for the prac exam....There was such a high possibility that I was gonna flunk it that I could imagine myself sitting for a supplementary paper and so forth... Anyway, thank goodness, the results were fine, and as for the rest of the subjects, I did a little better than expected for some... :) Although I have nothing against it, I have a sneaking suspicion that my dad's going to be further convinced that a person's birthdate is considered a lucky day...However, I wasn't in such a mood to celebrate...It was a rather short-lived moment of excitement, since some didn't do as well as they'd hoped...

Surprisingly, life in the apartment isn't as quiet as I had expected; Someone moved into Wahn's previous room right after she moved out, so I had at least a neighbour. And for some uncanny reason, everyone who've stayed in the same apartment as I have are really good cooks, and yes, because of that, I have been enjoying good meals day after day, unlike a certain myth my parents believed in which they thought that I was on the very verge of starvation and so forth...

Will be arriving back home on the 7th of Dec... Speaking of which, I have an uncanny craving for frog legs, crispy brinjal, japanese tofu and korean BBQ... Someone told me to make a 'to-eat' list in preparation, but it's not gonna work....I can guarantee that. Last year I tried something like that, but it somehow got miraculously misplaced right before I reached home. So there you have it. Anyway, eating is somewhat more fun when it's done on based on spontaneous cravings.

I wonder if my folks will kill me if I ask for another external hard disc. The space isn't exactly limitless at only 200GB, and even after burning some of the stuff onto DVDs, I'm already running out of space again...Speaking of which, I realized recently that my parents don't seem to bribe me, unlike the usual 'get-good-grades-and-I'll-get-you-what-u-want' deal...Hmm not that I'm complaining or anything but I just thought that it's pretty good that way...Just recently I had a friend who told me that her parents once tried that on her and she ended up flunking that paper...So much for motivation.

...Was hoping to get a job at a pharmacy here in Tassie, but to my surprise there're actually less vacancies during the summer break...Whatever happened to the 'it's-a-holiday-everyone's-gonna-go-home-and-hence-there'll-be-heaps-of-jobs' thingie that someone said?? Anyway, hopefully next year I'll be able to get one...Either that, hopefully I'll be able to gain some experience during the 3rd year placements...

Not that it's a rare thing, but once again I managed to outsmart myself...somewhere around the middle of this year I decided to create a bigger-than-usual painting, thinking that I'd be able to complete it by the end of this year, or something to that effect...but it turns out that I'm nowhere near the finishing line, as about more than half of it hasn't been painted yet, and on top of all that, it seems to be happily collecting dust on my desk...So yeah, the next time I feel like starting on a new project, I think I'll somewhat think twice.

Sigh...should've bought more lavender candies the last time I went to Salamanca...The first time I tried them I thought I somehow mistook incense or aromatherapy stuff for candies...An 'acquired taste', a friend claimed, while another said that she thought that she'd accidentally swallowed soap or something...Anyhow, it's something that slowly grows on you...After eating about 6 candies, it didn't taste too bad. What surprised me more than those lavender candies was the lady who was selling them. I asked her, like, "So, how long do those candies last?" And I got a jaw-dropping reply from her: "They're sweets. They're meant to be eaten." My god. It actually took me awhile to recover from the shock. I was, like, thinking, "What, does it look like I'm asking about mothballs to you???" Seriously. I even mentioned "candies". Dude, most Asians nowadays can understand English just as well as you can. You can't imagine how exasperating it is. It'll probably be the last time that I'll patronize that stall.

Back to the positive side of things, I'm currently equpping myself with heaps of manga so that I won't have to wrestle with my sis over the internet when I get back. On top of that, I discovered that the manga that I had been previously reading back home (with semi-lousy translations) was available for free online, and, obviously, with better translations (most translations done by fans are wayyyy better than so-called 'professional' ones)...So yeah, when I found out, it was all "Muahahahahaha" and etc...Unfortunately, I still can't find the one manga which I really like...I don't know if there are any groups scanlating it, but it's probably available on IRC or something...

Well the next time I'll blog will probably be either next year, or if I feel exceptionally bored. Don't quite know what's wrong with the tag board, but oh, well...