Thursday, February 28, 2008

An eventful Clubs and Societies Day

Things to note during the event:

1. I almost bumped into a polar bear (or rather, someone cosplaying as one LOL)
2. My feet, along with my nice hospital shoes got semi-doused with alcohol T__T
3. I joined the Anime Club (...and got 3 strawberry pocky sticks as a bribe...rofl)

Well, that was yesterday anyway.

Back to today's main event...It's Baa Baa's Homecoming Celebration

Uhh... Mr Baa cute XD

Lol...Thanks to CK I had a chance to camwhore...CK, you said you wanted to see more pics of my new hairstyle right? ;P

Hahah the "orang cacat bathroom" at my apartment wing....we were all wondering how we'd place all our stuff, with the limited space and all...till Wee Chea saved the day LOL (see the stuff that's barely propped onto the railings?) ^__^

I call this one "The Perpetually Unfinished"...because like its name insinuates, it was, and will probably remain unfinished...Oh well "-___-

Once there was a Tomato. Then there was a Budgie. Then a Horsie :P

Hahahaahahahaha Kodak Moment. look like....seriously....hahahahaha

Gossip Girls :P

Mea and I :D

Ms. Hoe Hoe Hoe

...I got bored...hence the decoration with blue tac :P

Darn it; the photo turned out blurry :(...Wanted to show everyone my Kitsune was so cute, instead of the usual Uzumakis (spirals) that you get in those instant Jap noodles, they had mini foxes and pigs :D

Sukiyaki at Ninja Jones

Kobe beef, also at Ninja Jones :P

Meet the Tortilla Monsters

Meet Ally's Kin/Pillow...Uma-kun!

The "Terbalik" Tamagoyaki we had at Ninja Jones...instead of the conventional sweet and cold ones, the ones we had were actually warm...and salty "-_-

Return of The Budgie~~ Thanks for coming down all the way!! we'll see you soon enough muahahahahahaha


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