The Loaf and MOF
The Loaf, Pavillion

Cheese varieties of some of the common (and not so common) flavours found - green tea cheese, tiramisu cheese, oatmeal cheese, choc cheese, blueberry cheese, etc etc to name a few. From memory there was also Milo cheese (called the Coco Loco or something), strawberry cheese, banana cheese, durian cheese etc etc (although they go, of course, by slightly fancier stage names that place) . So far, I've only tried the Blueberry and Green tea. The blueberry's okay. So's the green tea (more matcha, people! more!). But not fantastic. Especially given the fact that it was RM15 for six of those cheese-in-a-cups. Not to mention each cup was like, half the size of a normal English teacup. Uncannily enough, there was a layer of pastry (cookie crumbs as the base, I presume) at the bottom, with the intention of making it into a mini cheesecake-in-a-cup, or an attempt at making it a cheesecake muffin of some sort, perhaps. The idea's not bad. The only fault with it is the fact that the pastry's a little misplaced - I encountered a whole chunk of the pastry smack in the middle of the green tea cheese...a whole, misplaced chunk. Try one. It won't hurt. And hey, you've got something to talk about at the water cooler, or at the coffee table with your colleague. "I've tried those lil cupcake thingies at The Loaf. Y'know, the one Mahathir's got a share in. Hyuk." It's RM2.80 for one of those lil monsters, by the way.
MOF, Pavillion

Matcha milkshake with softserve. Again, one of the "chef's recommendations". There's a reason for the drip.I uploaded the wrong pic. I thought it gave the milkshake a bit of an artistic outlook. Before I start my usual analysis, there's something I need to get out of my system.
...Sorry. Purple just isn't harmonious with green, and never will be. Not in the colour charts, and especially not in my eyes.
Okay, back to the milkshake. It's not bad, but it could've used a lil bit more of the matcha taste. I think it's probavbly because of the softserve. If it had been matcha softserve or something in there, it would've been better. And, over time, the matcha taste wouldn't have been further diluted by the creamy milkiness of the softserve's flavour. It was either around RM10 from memory...I'm not too sure. But nope, give me Starbuck's green tea frap, or the Green Tea Freeze from JCo anyday over this one.

Hot choc which gyuushi. The combo looked a lil weird. Well, to me, at least, since I've never seen gyuushi served with hot choc before lol. For the uninitiated, gyuushi is well, pretty much a glorified Japanese version of the turkish delight, although arguably less sweet, and probably a little less gummy :P

Tonkotsu-flavoured tuna with wasabi sandwich. A novel choice, given we were in a place that specializes in Jap desserts. Sandwiches, by definition, do not fall under that category. Strange, indeed, especially how both mom and dad ordered that. Not to mention the lovely folks from the table beside us, and God knows how many others. I didn't try this (and will probably never will), so unfortunately, only pics will be available.

Matcha Zen. I'm not sure how in tune into nature the combi is, but essentially, it's a serve of matcha ice cream surrounded by a moat of thickened azuki (redbean) soup and buoys of glutinous rice flour balls. To be honest, I was kinda half-expecting the redbean soup to be warm, probably 'cause I'm a sucker for unique hot-cold combis. But anyway, the entire dish was cold (not surprising for a dessert dish). I'm only a little disappointed that the glutinous balls were plain; again, I half-expected them to contain traces of peanuts or at least something, but maybe that's just the inner chinese side of me crying out. I never did quite understand what the obsession was with combining matcha with azuki. Everything "green tea" has a little of "azuki" inside - matcha/azuki cake, matcha/azuki daifuku, matcha/azuki icecream....the list goes on. Personally, I think the azuki flavour ruins the matcha, probably because the azuki flavour tends to be overbearingly strong and tends to mask the matcha taste (*hint hint* especially *hint* OChaCha). Since it was the "chef's recommendation", and it did look quite tempting from the pic (oh, when will I ever learn?), I gave it a go. I think it was RM11. I think. Or was it RM15? Anyway, it was definitely more than 10 bucks. Nope, not worth it. Taste aside, the presentation was nothing special. So what if there was a redbean moat and a couple of misplaced glutinous buoys floating around it? By Japanese pattisserie standards, it's more than a fail. Jap desserts are awesome. They taste awesome, and they look awesome. Unfortunately, this one didn't make the grade for either standards.

This one was a real lulz. When I saw it I was like, What. The. Hell. LOL. (In a good way, though). It was really nostalgic. The tables were desks! Desks with like, a compartment space underneath, just like my old high school desk! lol. I just had to take a pic.

I wasn't too keen on the dimsum in the morning....until I saw the little chicks, that is :P What can I say? I've got a soft spot for cute stuff. They were so cute that I couldn't resist a nibble. Unfortunately, I still can't quite figure out the exact contents of the chick I sampled. Sugar, definitely. Sweet potato, possibly? And some other things, I guess. According to sis, it was a weird-ass combi between Planta and mash or something. LOL.
Totally random moment:
I want a Sasuke plushie for my bday! It's going to be a boring birthday. Forms. Phone calls. Medical appointments. Paying the Aussie high com a visit. Post office. More forms.
Random pic

Quick snapshot taken from my home :P
Cheese varieties of some of the common (and not so common) flavours found - green tea cheese, tiramisu cheese, oatmeal cheese, choc cheese, blueberry cheese, etc etc to name a few. From memory there was also Milo cheese (called the Coco Loco or something), strawberry cheese, banana cheese, durian cheese etc etc (although they go, of course, by slightly fancier stage names that place) . So far, I've only tried the Blueberry and Green tea. The blueberry's okay. So's the green tea (more matcha, people! more!). But not fantastic. Especially given the fact that it was RM15 for six of those cheese-in-a-cups. Not to mention each cup was like, half the size of a normal English teacup. Uncannily enough, there was a layer of pastry (cookie crumbs as the base, I presume) at the bottom, with the intention of making it into a mini cheesecake-in-a-cup, or an attempt at making it a cheesecake muffin of some sort, perhaps. The idea's not bad. The only fault with it is the fact that the pastry's a little misplaced - I encountered a whole chunk of the pastry smack in the middle of the green tea cheese...a whole, misplaced chunk. Try one. It won't hurt. And hey, you've got something to talk about at the water cooler, or at the coffee table with your colleague. "I've tried those lil cupcake thingies at The Loaf. Y'know, the one Mahathir's got a share in. Hyuk." It's RM2.80 for one of those lil monsters, by the way.
MOF, Pavillion
Matcha milkshake with softserve. Again, one of the "chef's recommendations". There's a reason for the drip.
...Sorry. Purple just isn't harmonious with green, and never will be. Not in the colour charts, and especially not in my eyes.
Okay, back to the milkshake. It's not bad, but it could've used a lil bit more of the matcha taste. I think it's probavbly because of the softserve. If it had been matcha softserve or something in there, it would've been better. And, over time, the matcha taste wouldn't have been further diluted by the creamy milkiness of the softserve's flavour. It was either around RM10 from memory...I'm not too sure. But nope, give me Starbuck's green tea frap, or the Green Tea Freeze from JCo anyday over this one.
Hot choc which gyuushi. The combo looked a lil weird. Well, to me, at least, since I've never seen gyuushi served with hot choc before lol. For the uninitiated, gyuushi is well, pretty much a glorified Japanese version of the turkish delight, although arguably less sweet, and probably a little less gummy :P
Tonkotsu-flavoured tuna with wasabi sandwich. A novel choice, given we were in a place that specializes in Jap desserts. Sandwiches, by definition, do not fall under that category. Strange, indeed, especially how both mom and dad ordered that. Not to mention the lovely folks from the table beside us, and God knows how many others. I didn't try this (and will probably never will), so unfortunately, only pics will be available.
Matcha Zen. I'm not sure how in tune into nature the combi is, but essentially, it's a serve of matcha ice cream surrounded by a moat of thickened azuki (redbean) soup and buoys of glutinous rice flour balls. To be honest, I was kinda half-expecting the redbean soup to be warm, probably 'cause I'm a sucker for unique hot-cold combis. But anyway, the entire dish was cold (not surprising for a dessert dish). I'm only a little disappointed that the glutinous balls were plain; again, I half-expected them to contain traces of peanuts or at least something, but maybe that's just the inner chinese side of me crying out. I never did quite understand what the obsession was with combining matcha with azuki. Everything "green tea" has a little of "azuki" inside - matcha/azuki cake, matcha/azuki daifuku, matcha/azuki icecream....the list goes on. Personally, I think the azuki flavour ruins the matcha, probably because the azuki flavour tends to be overbearingly strong and tends to mask the matcha taste (*hint hint* especially *hint* OChaCha). Since it was the "chef's recommendation", and it did look quite tempting from the pic (oh, when will I ever learn?), I gave it a go. I think it was RM11. I think. Or was it RM15? Anyway, it was definitely more than 10 bucks. Nope, not worth it. Taste aside, the presentation was nothing special. So what if there was a redbean moat and a couple of misplaced glutinous buoys floating around it? By Japanese pattisserie standards, it's more than a fail. Jap desserts are awesome. They taste awesome, and they look awesome. Unfortunately, this one didn't make the grade for either standards.
This one was a real lulz. When I saw it I was like, What. The. Hell. LOL. (In a good way, though). It was really nostalgic. The tables were desks! Desks with like, a compartment space underneath, just like my old high school desk! lol. I just had to take a pic.
I wasn't too keen on the dimsum in the morning....until I saw the little chicks, that is :P What can I say? I've got a soft spot for cute stuff. They were so cute that I couldn't resist a nibble. Unfortunately, I still can't quite figure out the exact contents of the chick I sampled. Sugar, definitely. Sweet potato, possibly? And some other things, I guess. According to sis, it was a weird-ass combi between Planta and mash or something. LOL.
Totally random moment:
Random pic
Quick snapshot taken from my home :P
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