Saturday, October 11, 2008

Yelly Weekend

Despite the fact that I was smiling in the pic, it really was only a courtesy smile. I was pretty miffed at the fact that I had to fork out 30 bucks for like, what? 2 sausages on mash. Maldini's is a definite no-go, guys.
The veal was overcooked. That was already a couple of negative points. Good meat, in the wrong hands, is no different from poor quality meat. That awful bacon that they'd wrapped around the veal was just...awful. What's a worse term for awful? Does the term hypertension ring a bell, people? Heck, even the mash tasted like it had been doused with salt and butter. There should be a limit on how much you douse your food with salt.

Even poor Yena fell victim to their risotto, which was salted way past the hypertensive point :(

...What the hell was this again? Someone, enlighten me please.

"Yelly" XD ...+ Ms Hoe lol

Okay, I have no idea how on earth this random pic came about in my "Yelly Weekend Pic Folder", but that was dinner from 2 days ago lol...homecooked deep fried garlic prawns, tamagoyaki-styled eggs with dashi, and stir-fried salmon!

Yena posing with her asparagus chicken pie :P

Okay, so they're famous for their tiramisu. It was nice, but it wasn't the best I've tasted. And definitely not worth $12.50 per slice. Plus it was too sweet. For their mains they go for the hypertensive approach. For their desserts, they're trying to make us all diabetic. Maybe they've got some sort of deal with Eli Lilly. Hell, maybe even Aventis.

Oh, and this was just a complimentary pose for my sis, who refused to believe that my awesome lacy Victorian-esque gloves were of the finger-less kind ;P There you have it, skeptic :P

*Pukes* lol @ Ms Hoe
NB: I never intended to capture the famed "hiao pose", btw


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