Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Good news...why must they always be accompanied by bad ones??

Blessings are inevitably linked to curses, coming in a package that's impossible to seperate. It's true, y'know...Like the 2 incidences today.

Incidence 1: the comic book tragedy...
I just added 'Ragnarok' to my collection of comics, and by pure chance, I stumble across an almost-complete set...Cause for celebration? I think not. Now both parents are miffed at me. At first it was only mom, but when I was apparently more interested in reading my newly-acquired comics rather than to engage in a conversation with my dad, he was suddenly pissed at me, too.

Incidence 2: the foot-in-the-mouth tragedy...
I was really relieved that I had received a reply from the accommodation services saying that they've confirmed a place for me...until I realized that the person which I've been contacting for the past few days was a girl. I mean, how was I to know that Mavis was a girl?? That was a seriously horrible faux top it all, in every email to her I'd previously started it off with a rather noticable "Dear Mr..." Needless to say, lesson learned. Oh, yeah...there was this other instance whereby luck-both good and bad came, delivered right to my doorstep, I kid you not...via mail and email. 1 was a letter of offer for accommodation, the other was a letter about my results check. The offer letter came as relief in the form of email, relief because the anxious, long wait was finally over. The other letter, guessed it: no errors detected. Well, you could say that it was a nice euphemism of stating something else...Here's my translation of the lines:

No error has been detected. The marks recorded have been allocated correctly. Thank you for applying-"Your results still suck; you'll have to accept the facts. Nice try, anyway."

Well, enough of the ranting and whining...


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