Monday, July 11, 2005

Melbourne...5 days of indulgence and an empty wallet full of holes

OK, I know I promised to update this since way back, so here it is...

(This was written quite some time back, but unfortunately, I was feeling kinda lazy to post it...)

Can't believe it...actually spent AUS $700 on my trip to melbourne (including accommodation + air ticket, though)... and then when I came back I ended up buying an AUS $ 238 dress for the upcoming Vatican ball... whoa...spent a total of over AUS $1000 so far...really supposed to be saving cash from now on, but I think I'm getting caught in a terrible habit...and tomorrow I'm going for a couple of movies and probably grocery shopping again..arrghhhh....

Melbourne trip, day 1:
We were super hungry after leaving our baggage in the hostel...went out 'hunting' for an eatery and ended up walking into this Japanese restaurant called 'Tokyo Maki' (I think...)...Food was good; heheh....had Teriyaki chicken; it looked so good that I actually snapped a couple of photos of it out of temptation.
The hostel was among the worst (actually, it WAS the worst) place I've ever stayed in, literally speaking...The room's space was alright, but the bunks and the dull, atmosphere of the room reminded me of a prison cell...The toilets were small, cramped and filthy...

...and the first night was hell.

It was unbelievably noisy...even at 2-3 am in the morning I could hear the sound of cars and trucks on the streets (my hostel just had to be so conveniently located at a busy junction) and it was so freaking cold...that was partly our own fault, 'cause we unwittingly left the window slightly open...

Didn't enjoy dinner as well. We ate at some restaurant at China town; quite inexpensive but didn't like my meal...the strawberry juice was too diluted, and the noodles I had were just...ugh. The only edible thing I had was the spring rolls I ordered as a side order :C

There was one 'bright side' to the day, though...Went to crown casino (I think it was a 20 or 30 minute walk) 'cause my friend said there was something special about that casino that I had to see for myself...Turns out, they have pillars spaced out in front which spurts fire every hour after 7 pm...
Went for ice-cream later. Got conned by Hooi Yin to get a double scoop ice-cream...Apparently, their double scoop is equivalent to 4, normal Malaysian scoops...after she saw how big my portion was, she ended up ordering a single scoop for

Can't remember which day it was after that, but on subsequent nights I heard a couple of guys strumming their guitars and singing along...God knows who or what those blokes were trying to serenade...

Day 2:
Had dim sum for breakfast in some restaurant called the 'Dragon Boat' or something like that in China town...was so disappointed when they told me that they were only serving fishballs for lunch...I was, like, whoever heard of dim sum with no fishballs?? no no no no no.....vowed never to eat there was quite costly, and the food wasn't exactly great...the only unusual thing we had there were the coconut balls, but unfortunately they weren't as great as we'd thought :C

Went around the city to shop...met up with a friend of Hooi Yin's who flew in from Adelaide... Ahaha...I don't have to mention the rest; it was basically a lotta shopping (or window shopping) and more shopping the whole day...

Can't seem to remember what I had for lunch on day was at a restaurant in China town (because a friend said that their duck rice was a must-try), but I had banana fritters and spring rolls (again)...what irony... [either that, I ate all that on day 3]

Walked all the way to Lygone Street, North Melbourne, which took over an hour, for ice-cream ('cause apparently that store was famous for its ice-cream), just to find that the store was closed...argghhh...anyway, we ended up eating gelatin 'ice-cream' at some famous italian gelatin shop...not bad, but still disappointed that we couldn't have our ice-cream...

Had italian food for dinner...Had pizza and italian bread and iced lemon tea...felt like a glutton since Hooi Yin had just a small bowl of salad while Gillian and Sheryl didn't even have a drink 'cause they were full... *_*

Day 3:
Had breakfast at a place near Taylor's college in the city...had something called 'Breakfast wraps'...on the menu it said bread with sausages and scrambled eggs, so naturally I expected the norm...Quite surprised when it turned out that it was like the KFC 'Twister' or something like that...Personally, it looked like scrambled eggs and sausages wrapped in some roti canai-like bread...but it tasted good, though :D

Went to Smith Street, which was supposed to be the home to warehouses...went there hoping to find some cheap stuff to shop...unfortunately, we realized too late that it was the wrong street...sure, there were warehouses, but they were all catered for sports stuff, such as Nike and Adidas goods,'ve gone to Bridge road, 'cause another friend went there and later told us that they had loads of cheap clothes, etc...

Day 4:
Day 4 was a little bit more interesting.... a friend's aunt drove us to Geelong for a day trip...Went to the beach and saw quite a couple of interesting jellyfishes, oyster shells, seashells, etc...And yeah, we even saw a seal. A wildlife officer told us it was really rare, and they had this special 'viewing area' which they only allowed people to enter to snap photos, one at the time...Seriously, that seal was such a pig...It was lying there unmoving for such a long time that I actually thought it was dead or something...After walking around the beach and having brunch, spending a total of an hour or two, we went back to the same spot and found the seal lying in the exact same position as before...

Had Greek food for dinner. We were kinda tired of the 4 was the only day we didn't go to China town (...or China street)...Ordered 'Mousaka', which was actually a combination of brinjal, cheese, potatoes, minced meat, etc...Okay, somehow it sounded really good on the menu, but now that I think about it, the combination kinda sounds gross...ewww...the first few mouthfuls were alright, but after that...oh, boy...overall, I think it kinda reminded me of vegetarian lasagne..

Day 5: 5 we didn't actually do anything 'cause our flight was in the morning....the only thing worth noting was that i actually saw about 3 or 4 other people from my college (yes, my residential college) that was heading back on the same flight...small world, small figures; many people in tassie head to melbourne for their break...will vow to explore more of tasmania when i get the chance...i wanna go see a tassie devil or go to wineglass bay or go and see the lavender farm or....etc etc....It's kinda weird, but u know how at the airport you sometimes see the airport staff unloading the baggage using this conveyor belt-like thingie? After the first bag, the next was actually this 1 metre cage with a dog inside...poor dog had barely enough space to move, i think...and when i arrived at the tassie airport, i was greeted by more cages and more dogs...there were 3 separate cages containing what seemed like TRIPLET TERRORS in them...probably belongs to the same owner....